Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yet another Rant

We're at a very dangerous crossroads in our country. Ignorance has become 'acceptable' - even desirable for wide segments of Americans. Now it seems that civility and class are going the same way. What the FUCK is wrong with some people? The past week was a shitstorm of well-documented and heinous acts of incivility and disregard for other human life. There's a GIANT segment of people who simply will not tolerate opposing views. Ironically - these are the same people who love to throw around terms like 'socialist' and 'fascism' to describe their opponents. Now that they didn't get their way - the world biggest hissy-fit ensued last week. But I expected that. What I did not expect was how blatantly Republican leadership defended, harbored - even encouraged in some cases - these acts of incivility. You fuckers preach moral values and American patriotism - but apparently that's just lip service. I expected more out of the GOP leadership to condemn these kinds of actions, but all we got last week was a weak-ass statement from the John Boehner that could have been better if it looked at all like he meant it. It didn't. Worse was the statement from Eric Cantor, accusing the Democrats of 'fanning the flames.' Well, Eric - YOU'RE not doing anything about your crazy-ass constituents, in fact you're playing it down! All they're doing is showing the country what psychopaths your party has created. You've created a monster of ignorance and intolerance, marginalizing the intelligent and moderates in your party.

Disgracing and humiliating homeless people - that's cool with the Republican party. Don't bring it up (even though its a viral video. Sounds like a nice Tea Party!) or your 'fanning flames.'

Spitting on black congressmen and calling them N____s on their way into congress? Guess that's okay too! Says Eric Cantor, 'jeez, whiners - wah wah. I had a bullet randomly fired at my office window and it barely broke the glass. Didn't even make it through my blinds. I wasn't even there at the time. You don't see me whining!" Eric - Fuck off. You didn't get spit on at point blank range and called a nigger on the way to your job as a US Representative. You are a pampered white privileged douche who's never dealt with that before. Don't talk like you have ANY idea what that's like. Don't scold other congressmen for pointing out the shitty things the people your party represent are doing.

What's happening is the DECENT Americans who have a functioning brain understand that this trend of incivility is wholly UNACCEPTABLE. Republican leaders need to own up and condemn these kind of attitudes and bigotry. And not the, "uhh hey guys, don't do that, mmkay?" BS that we saw this week.

But these people are the voting base so that'll never happen.

-end of rant-

Monday, March 22, 2010

Laughs from the Onion

(a fake news source, btw)

Wise Council of Elders Accuses Day Nurse of Stealing Change

Budweiser American Lager Purchased at Tavern

Pope Forgives Molested Children

Upon this rock

I'm not even sure what to make of this. Is it a good idea? A bad idea? Seems kinda preachy. Like some republican conservative wanted to make sure that the conservative ideals lived on after... what? The end of the world? I think people are going to be more worried about where they're going to find FOOD and SHELTER, not whether or not the planet's population should be above half a billion or not or whether they should avoid "petty laws or useless officials."

Its interesting that someone thought this stuff was important enough to build the monument. Also interesting that OTHER people disagree with it enough to vandalize it on a fairly regular basis. Some people call it the "10 Commandmants of the Anti-Christ." Yikes.

Friday, March 19, 2010

R.I.P. Farragut Admirals

good luck "Nishnabotna Blue Devils"

guys - an emergency trip to Howards might be in order to get the last Admirals gear.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kunu Wisdom

"When life hands you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons' and BAIL."

*post your favorite 'stay positive' quotes in the comments*

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Burger Graphs

I love cheeseburgers. I also love graphs. I'm a nerd, and I've loved graphs ever since the first ACT test prep I took back in JH. "Wait - there's a whole SECTION on this junk?! Score!"

Maybe its all related. I can't seem to process raw numbers in my head that well, but I can process graphs, charts, and trends pretty well. Maybe these graphs gave me an alternative to crunching numbers. They've already been crunched and just need a clear way to be laid out and interpreted. I can handle that.

I digress. The point of this post was that I found a pretty interesting graph on the strength of the McDonalds brand. And a new blog to follow.

Here's a link to the post that sparked my interest. Graphs were too big to post here.

Funny Then...

and still funny now. This picture I took a few years ago was aptly named "creepy.jpg"