Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Full Court Press vs. Kitchen Sink

I never really understood how people got "aloof and distant" from Barak Obama. Maybe he 'misspoke' when he mentioned the small town statement that has become a favorite line of his opponents. Personally, being from a small town myself, I don't think he could have been more correct. No its not 100% accurate to say that everyone from a small town 'clings to guns, religion, and xenophobia,' but a damn good portion of them do. Numbers don't lie, but people do. I would have gone even farther to suggest that the biggest fear/problem concerning small towns is the apathy and active ignorance. The idea of, "I don't know and it doesn't affect me, so why should I be informed about it? I'd stick out too much if I'm too informed or smart around here." That's what leads people to only 'cling' to what they already know. There's no room for new ideas or dialogue with opposing interests, just more of the same. Sorry that's another rant...

Here's something that I've always liked about Obama that I never understood why they didn't promote more of. Now it looks like its his camp's new angle to shift the focus before Indiana and North Carolina. It'll never get as much press time as Wright (the MSM just doesn't wanna hear that many happy stories. They want DIRT. alas) but I'll do my part.

Link to the story.

Friday, April 25, 2008

u suck dot com

The best kind of hate is useless and nonsensical.

Some readers may recall my particular aversion to YouTube comments. I think that they are an infinite abyss into which an intelligent person can be sucked into reading, open-mouthed, page after page of ridiculous bullshit. Who are you people? Don't procreate.

**you should be able to click on the image to see full sized. rather than link, I just pasted an image, so you should be safe.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Links

I added a few new links to my Links List on the sidebar. Check them out sometime.

*Hard to Find a Friend:
This guy's blog is usually about music, and aside from that, its just one guys opionin/editorial blog to post whatever he's thinking about music that day. New bands, old bands with new albums, iPods, playlists, etc. There's usually a free download or two in each post, which is cool.
Check out one of his recent posts on playlists.

*Stuff White People Like:
This guys blog focuses on an ongoing project. Figuring out, listing, and pointing out the things that white people like. Its pretty damn funny. And usually very accurate.
My favorites from the SWPL list:
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture.
#14 Having black friends.
#62 Knowing whats best for poor people.

The Greatest Page in the Universe:
Homebase, you're not going to like this one. But I think its hilarious. Very sarcastic, very immature, but very intelligent and well-informed at the same time. And funny. He used to post a lot more, but he's growing up like everyone else. This guy either IS or is JUST LIKE the kid who did and single-handedly rekindled the Ninja vs. Pirate debate.
I recommend checking out his views on:
Crappy Kids Drawings #1 and #2
One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't
My new favorite: How to Kill Yourself Like a Man

* referal credit goes to Roscommon

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The Boss endorsed Obama today.

How Springsteen got the nickname "The Boss" according to Wikipedia:

"Springsteen has long had the nickname "The Boss," a term which he was initially reported to dislike but now seems to have come to terms with, as he sometimes jokingly refers to himself as such on stage. The nickname originated when a young Springsteen, playing club gigs with a band in the 1960s, took on the task of collecting the band's nightly pay and distributing it amongst his bandmates."

Monday, April 7, 2008


I bought a Pepsi?
Consiously. Not even as a 2nd choice.
After 3 years of solid dedication to Mt. Dew (with the occasional Coke or Mr. Pibb extra), I felt like I needed to try something else.

Sports! (Gloating)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Black Keys

Its rare that the iPod frame of my blog is two of the same band.
Sold Out show at the Slowdown - Thursday April 10th

The Black Keys

quotes from the "Your Touch" video above:
"so, how do you feel? ya know, about being dead?"
"I dunno. ...My neck hurts. How about you? You didn't look to great up there"
"Yeah.... well, at least I died doing what I love. Ya know? Lip-synching."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Artificial Harmonics

"The physics of vibrating strings is a complex subject in which I have no expertise, other than twanging music out of them, so I won't pretend to know the details. I do know that when you strike a guitar string, the note that you hear is called the 'fundamental'. It's by far the loudest note created, but along with it you are also hearing 'harmonics'. These are subsidiary tones that accompany the fundamental, and are responsible for making each instrument sound the way it does.
Guitar 'harmonics' are created when you lightly touch the string with your finger at specific positions and then pluck the string. This causes both sections of the string, to the right and left of the spot you're touching, to vibrate simultaneously, giving a bell like quality to the note. It's best to quickly remove your finger as you pluck. What you are doing is removing the fundamental and only hearing the harmonics.
There are three points along the string points this: the fifth, seventh and twelfth frets ... directly above the fret-wire. At these points, the string is divided exactly into fourths, thirds and halves respectively. The purity of sound comes from these perfect fractions of string ringing together. If you try it anywhere else on the string, you hear a dead sound without any ring. "

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Work Humor

I seem to find things funnier at work. The below account for example. I had such a solid laugh about this idea that I had to blog it.

So I was sitting at work the other day, playing with a gigantic ball of silly putty. I thought outloud to myself, "Why is it that people think that silly putty is just for kids? I still like silly putty." To which someone who overheard said sarcastically,
"Maybe because it sounds ridiculous saying that a grown man was playing with silly putty."
I thought about that. And I have my response:

Serious Putty.

It's a lot like silly putty. In fact it is silly putty, with a few minor differences.
-Silly putty comes in a a small plastic toy egg. Serious putty comes in a generic square cardboard container.
-Silly putty causes people to smile and giggle when playing with it. Serious putty incites a furrowed brow and a drop in the user's sense of humor.
-Silly putty comes in a rainbow of fun colors. Serious putty comes in non-descript grey only. If you ask for different colors, Serious Putty Customer Service recommends 'getting serious.'

Apparently I'm not the first person to find hilarity in the idea of Serious Putty as a less-fun alternative to Silly Putty. A simple google search came up with some pretty funny hits:
"Silly Putty comes in a plastic egg. Serious Putty comes in a small vinyl Brooks Brothers suit."
"When you drop it, Silly Putty bounces. Serious Putty stops, assesses the situation, and issues a report."
"When you subject it to sudden stress, Silly Putty breaks. Serious Putty drinks more coffee and works extra hours."

Also, I found that Serious Putty is an unoffical nickname for C4 explosives. I guess that's accurate. That shit is pretty serious.