Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Work Humor

I seem to find things funnier at work. The below account for example. I had such a solid laugh about this idea that I had to blog it.

So I was sitting at work the other day, playing with a gigantic ball of silly putty. I thought outloud to myself, "Why is it that people think that silly putty is just for kids? I still like silly putty." To which someone who overheard said sarcastically,
"Maybe because it sounds ridiculous saying that a grown man was playing with silly putty."
I thought about that. And I have my response:

Serious Putty.

It's a lot like silly putty. In fact it is silly putty, with a few minor differences.
-Silly putty comes in a a small plastic toy egg. Serious putty comes in a generic square cardboard container.
-Silly putty causes people to smile and giggle when playing with it. Serious putty incites a furrowed brow and a drop in the user's sense of humor.
-Silly putty comes in a rainbow of fun colors. Serious putty comes in non-descript grey only. If you ask for different colors, Serious Putty Customer Service recommends 'getting serious.'

Apparently I'm not the first person to find hilarity in the idea of Serious Putty as a less-fun alternative to Silly Putty. A simple google search came up with some pretty funny hits:
"Silly Putty comes in a plastic egg. Serious Putty comes in a small vinyl Brooks Brothers suit."
"When you drop it, Silly Putty bounces. Serious Putty stops, assesses the situation, and issues a report."
"When you subject it to sudden stress, Silly Putty breaks. Serious Putty drinks more coffee and works extra hours."

Also, I found that Serious Putty is an unoffical nickname for C4 explosives. I guess that's accurate. That shit is pretty serious.


homebase said...

you may be able to market serious putty, there's your goldmine!!

galfunseeker said...

"If you ask for different colors, Serious Putty Customer Service recommends ... 'getting serious'