Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hyperlink Hijinx

Mission Craigslist:
-One used piano. Preferably upright.
-One used Foosball table. Preferably from Tornado.

*(no Blogger, not Football... FOOSBALL.)

And for the record, most people don't play like this.


galfunseeker said...

I am hoping for you to get the one used piano the most... heck yes upright. no one rocks on the keyboards at guitar center like you :)

homebase said...

a teacher told me her son works at Well.. let's just say another competing firm in the capitol city--anyway, they have a bulletin board where you can put up requests and he got good results. Don't be in a hurry when you buy it, check it out carefully with someone who knows what to look for or buy from someone you trust. Good luck, I am starting to ask around here.

Stoppable said...

i like the 'must sell, am moving' white piano.

a more serious instrument can be found at the antique $100/obo in Newton.

Stoppable said...

to Homebase's point on caution