Thursday, July 10, 2008

The definition of 'contempt'

I hate Karl Rove. He's the perfect icon for the Administration he used to work for. The chief scoff-law in an Administration full of scoff-laws. Mr. Rove is also nothing short of a political genius, too, which makes me hate him all the more.

This picture was too priceless and well framed to not include. Karl Rove was subpoenaed by Congress to testify on the questionable dismissal of several federal prosecutors. Bushy didn't want him to testify and Rove now claims that some kind of executive privilege or presidential something-or-other that means he doesn't have to testify to Congress.


The separation of powers. Checks and Balances. Rove, I know you know this. There's nothing that trumps a Congressional subpoena. They can subpoena the effing President if they want to. Get your ass in that chair.

Its seriously time to hold this Administration and their buddies accountable. They aren't kings, and its time the rule of law held some weight again.

Karl Rove missed subpoena. I want him arrested. Held in contempt. Stop pissing on the constitution.

YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW. These powers were listed in the constitution as specific checks to your own powers. You can't trump them. They're un-trump-able. This is what they're for.

Pelosi better have the nuts to hold him in contempt. Its time out Democratic Congress acted like they have a backbone.

1 comment:

homebase said...

You certainly know your political science son. Trouble is you are so passionate I think you would strangle someone before your first year was up. Remember control and a cool clear head make people listen, passion yes, murder no.
I agree, Karl Rove is a jerk. :)