Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oh, Big Brother...

Man, you guys remember before 9/11 when Due Process and the Constitution were still around and applicable? Those were good times.

Apparently now this is the new norm: Precedents that outweigh simple and clear constitutional rights. Not only is Due Process a farce, apparently you don't need a warrant for anything anymore either. We want you to THINK you've got rights, and to ASSUME that this can't happen to you since you've "got certain unalienable rights." Only, really - you don't. You have them until US Law Enforcement decides that they don't WANT you to have them anymore. Has no one read 1984? Doesn't anyone intelligent get freaked out by how America isn't a free country anymore? That your rights don't apply when you need them to? These FBI losers showed up at this guy's door and demanded their shit back! "Um, no - you planted an illegal tracking device on my car without a warrant. Its mine now." I love that the cops strong-armed the kid just like a cop would.

"Give us our illegal toy back, or this won't go well for you." Really? It won't? You obviously didn't have enough on the kid for a real WARRANT so..... I'm guessing that you don't have shit on him. But keep talking tough, because that's what you're good at.

Of course absolutely nothing will come of this. Oh there'll be a lawsuit. The ACLU or something will sue the pants off the FBI, but nothing will change.

Stupid people think: "but this is keeping us safe from terrorism!" No its not. Wake up. If they feel a warrant is neccessary - they can get one and track, tap, and seize whatever they want to legally. All these 'warrantless' bullshit precedents are doing is stripping US BORN CITIZENS (like the kid above) of their rights. That's you and me. Not some stereotypical jabbering Arab who just got here. This is right here, right now. This is a new, darker America. Welcome home.

PS: FBI - Since I'll just assume you're watching everything we do, here's a tip. Maybe think about getting a smaller GPS tracker and transmitter? I've got one in my pocket right now accurate up to 10 feet. WTF is that thing you put on the kids car? A powerstrip? You can do better than that.

1 comment:

Stephen N. Greenleaf said...

I'm glad that you appreciate the requirements of due process. This area of the law is one of the most vexing and difficult; that is, determining what's free game and what should be off limits (or at least limited by a warrant). Unrestrained law enforcement is indeed a danger to us. The feds take themselves very seriously, and this can lead great hubris. Also, our national security state is a danger to us as well, the whole mentality, which did not just pack up and leave with the Bush administration. Excellent reference: Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency & the National Security State by Garry Wills.