Friday, February 9, 2007

Drop kick your cold

If you're feeling under the weather, and can't seem to come around to the 'getting better' stage, chug one of these bad boys and get 1,000% of your daily vitamin C. The strawberry banana-C is 100% juice, and each bottle contains 6 strawberries, 1 apple, 1/2 a banana, & a hint of orange. I was afraid they had stopped selling these in our building, right when I needed them the most. Then, last night the organic fairy must have brought a new shipment, because every flavor showed up and STOCKED this morning. The things are only for when you are REALLY sick, though. They're $2.89 here. More than red bull.


loiltes said...

I prefer the Power-C myself. More of an orange juice type of flavor. I need to stop at the store and get another bottle. It also has 1,000% Vit. C per serving (2,000% per bottle) and is the best way to wash down a dose of cold meds.

middleson said...

i have be a rabid Naked fan since discovering it in Chicago. i love several of the flavors. $2.89 is pricey, but it is my favorite health treat. plus i figure it isn't much more expensive than a cup of coffee.

Stoppable said...

1. Green Machine
2. Power-C
3. sale flavor (usually 30 or 40 cents off)