Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Here's a work forward that I actually enjoyed getting.
If you're having trouble trying to decide which candidate to get behind this election, here's a tool that will help you out. Its only a few questions, and you just answer truthfully and then it gives you a breakdown on what candidate is closest to your political views and why. Great stuff.
I actually ended up with Dodd, only due to my light opposition to the death penalty. Had I gone for Capital (or is it capitol) Punishment, and not wanted to partition Iraq, I'd be directly in Obama's camp. Even though he's second on my list, I'll still be caucusing for him.
**Turn this country from an Abomination to an Obama-nation!**
(I just made that up! Its GOLDEN!)
Speaking of the man, Barak was in town this past weekend for an assembly at East High, and then canvassed in DSM afterwards. Here's a link to the flickr page slideshow with the great photos.


homebase said...

My disagrees and agrees are almost equal, so I really don't have a candidate. Every year that happens. I need a liberal kinda person with strong religious views. Haven't seen one lately.

Stoppable said...

I got McCain - agreed on all but 1 issue.... surprising!


you should submit it to the campaign... too bad you don't know anyone associated with his grassroots organization.

Stoppable said...

ps i think your clock's busted....

middleson said...

barack didn't come up #1 for me either, but that doesn't sway my vote!

middleson said...

the motto is superb. you gotta send it in!