Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Props to the Platypus

Dude. All I have to say is: Electro-reception. That's pretty awesome, Platypus-es.
Our family has been pro-strange animals for as long as I can remember. Roscommon's giant stuffed anteater, (which has ironically been replaced by a giant stuffed penguin) books about echidnas, koala bears, sloths, etc.

...I still want a pet koala. I'd hold it. Pet it. Feed it a leaf. Sic it on my cuddly-animal-hating friends.


Stoppable said...

I love animals that make you think "wow. talk about hand-me-downs... did you get anything new when God was handing things out?"

Caboose said...

ha. Thank you! I was thinking nobody was going to post about the platypus.