Friday, May 9, 2008

Rant to end all Rants.

*if you're sick of my political ranting lately, feel free to skip reading this post.*

This is my tipping point, Mrs. Clinton.
You're done. You've lost. You can't win without over-ruling a majority of your own party. 54+% of them already say that they don't trust you at all. You've been demanding that MI and FL delegates be seated. A ridiculous demand, equivalent to a snotty pampered rich girl stamping her foot that she MUST have that pony, even though she has no where to keep it. What I've never understood is WHY she thinks MI/FL primaries should count. The DNC said, 'you move up your dates, we won't count your delegates.' They did, and their delegates aren't going to be counted. Going back on that now will make the DNC the new UN. Tons of authority, but no one actually does what they tell them too.
Hillary's argument was that the people of MI/FL's voices must be heard. Not a terrible point, we don't want big states to be disgruntled in November. But your new stance since your ass-whooping in NC and your Rush Limbaugh-assisted win in IN goes too far. Keep in mind that Obama's name WASN'T EVEN ON THE BALLOT in Michigan. How's that fair, princess?

"Mrs. Clinton has insisted that Michigan's 128 pledged delegates be seated according to the state's Jan. 15 primary results, giving her 73 delegates (and Mr. Obama zero). Mr. Obama has suggested an even 64-64 split.
The compromise, drafted by four prominent Democrats, would split the difference between what each candidate wants, awarding 69 delegates to Mrs. Clinton and 59 to Mr. Obama.
The Obama campaign said yesterday that it would "seriously consider" the plan, which was crafted by Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan, United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger and Democratic National Committee member Debbie Dingell.
"The fact that Senator Clinton has flatly rejected the wishes of Michigan Democrats proves that her position on this matter was apparently never about principle or the people of Michigan, but about whatever political calculation benefits Senator Clinton," Mr. Vietor said.

Mrs. Clinton is now purposefully preying on the uneducated, er- sorry, "Blue Collar" (see also: Rednecks, degenerates, ignorant simpletons, etc.) voters in those states. Portraying this as a scenario of 'they're trying to rob you of your vote!' rather than the truth of 'your state gave the finger to the national DNC leaders and want to not get in trouble for it'. Its subtle, its sneaky, its underhanded, and 100% Clintonian. Effectively, she's made this a situation where only she can win those states in November, as they're obviously going to be displeased with the people who made them 'stay in from recess.' (ie: the DNC and Obama.)
The worst part is, you're further diving the party into intelligent people and ignorant retards (I'm done beating around the bush. You're a large portion of the country, but you're still the lowest common denominator and I don't think we need to pander to your simple xenophobic ideas. We've had 8 years of that.). People realize now that you don't ACTUALLY want the good people of MI and FL to have a voice. You turned down the compromise provided by MI which still gave you more delegates. You've shown your colors to those who can read and think for themselves. You don't want them to have a voice unless that voice is 73 delegates for you and 0 for Obama, whose name was not an option on the ballot. (which STILL leaves Obama ahead.)
Its enough that you ran a dirty campaign with your own money, tarnishing one of our best candidates in years, so you can have a pout-fit. Grow the F-CK UP, Hillary. Save your money. It wasn't bad enough already, now you're obviously not the Democratic nominee, and all you're doing is slowly ruining the party's chances in the fall. Stop being such a selfish little witch and step down. I've had it with you. Your mentor's had it with you. The DNC chair's had it with you. Its already starting, but people are still being 'nice' about it. Continue the course you're on, and I think people will stop being nice. I'm done with being nice. You're hurting our country. Stop pandering to the worst part of our population. There's a reason they like you. They don't know any better.

Hell, lets make up a new state and give you all their fake delegates, too. West Montana. 56 delegates to Hillary. 1 for Obama. He didn't do well in West Montana.


homebase said...

Just save all that energy to campaign for Obama.

Stoppable said...

i liked the UN point - very insightful.

I also fully agree that these tactics reveal an unacceptably similar appearance to Bill's White House years. (I say this knowing it was more a product of the times than his personal level of evilness. But, nonetheless, I'm not interested in seeing it again.)

Finally; I've been trying to book a trip to West Montana for a while now, but am getting slowed down by all the tourism taglines:

"Where men are still men"

"Bring an automatic weapon and a manifesto"

"We spit some Beech-nut in that dude's eye"

Caboose said...

HA! The beech-nut quote made me laugh out loud. Great lyric.