Monday, June 9, 2008


Sweet, delicious internet!! You're back! Allow me to pause while I savor the flow of information saturated in knowledge....
Actually, I sorta wondered what the internet would actually look like. Net-like, I presumed. So, out of curiosity, I Google image searched for "The Internet" (search engines aren't case sensitive, but I still did it for effect. Actually, I even put it in the quotes. ) This picture was the #1 hit for that search. And honestly, I guess that really what it WOULD look like. Crazy.


galfunseeker said...

SInce I am a fan of three's ... here is a third comment for the day. I actually think of the internet as a bit scarier than that... maybe like a spider web. I guess I am off on that one. Only "The Internet" knows what "The Internet" looks like.

Stoppable said...

Google can read your mind.

Stoppable said...

Actually that's a cover story.

Google places a latent thought out into cyberspace with flags to trigger back, once transfused into 'meat space'. That trigger carries a flag back to Google so when the user accesses "The Internet" again, the search is tailored to address the original, planted thought.

Caboose said...

Ha. Great idea. Only, when does it know to stop?

mutters to self, "Man I hate that guy, I wish I didn't have to deal with him anymore...."

#1 hit on next google search: "How to hire a hitman."

er.... how do I shut this thing off?

"I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that."