Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We Rise Together

"Don't let apathy police the populace
We will march across
Those stereotypes that were marked for us
The answers obvious
We switch the consonants
Change the sword to words and lift continents"

Roscommon and I made the decision to make the trip to O-town to see The Flobots play this Friday. Can't wait.

Since I'm feeling political -
Did anybody see the newest ad from the McCain camp? Yes, its still negative. C'mon, you think McCain has anything new to say? Have you heard the guy try and speak in public? Sadly, the negative campaigning is actually their best bet.
Anyways, here's the McCain camp's newest gem:

That's right. You shouldn't vote for Obama because "he's too good looking." And no one who's attractive is intelligent, right? This is the 'debate on the issues' that McCain professes to want so bad? I hope the 'straight talk express' has a sleeper car, because that sounds boring as hell.
But here's the best part of this story. The original ad featured a clip of Mike Myers and Dana Carvey of Wayne's World saying "We're not worthy". Myers called the McCain campaign and told them to remove him and his copywritten material from their ad. The McCain campaign came back with this:
""Obama's celebrity friends are bringing their considerable resources to bear in this election... threatening this campaign with legal action over our latest ad, Fan Club... Apparently, we are not, in fact, worthy."
No, sir, you are NOT worthy. Mainly because you stole copywritten material and used it without asking the owners' permission. They violated copyright laws, then criticized the artist for exercising that right. Great image. This is the attitude of the current administration that I'm sick of, and apparently McSame feels the same way. They're called laws. You have to obey them. Even you, John.

By the way, since I'm ranting - Everyone and their dog has heard about John Edward's affair by now. What I find interesting is how some people are already saying his carrer is finished because of it. That's fine. Maybe it is. But, um, apparently people have forgotten that McCain cheated on his first wife for YEARS. This is the wife that stayed married to him while he was in that camp in Vietnam for 5 years that he won't let us forget about. Then he left her for a much much much much richer and younger woman. Nobody remembers that story? I'm not saying this excuses ANYONE. I just wanted to be fair.


homebase said...

On their website it says they will be in OMaha on the 22nd of August--not this weekend. ?? I listened to Handlebars and Rise. Interesting.

Caboose said...

thats right. we saw that. its next weekend. You a fan, now homebase? Coming to the show with us?

homebase said...

no , no!! just interested when I saw you were going. Thanks though. Enjoy!