Friday, July 10, 2009

Goring... not how I want to go out.

Still want to try this, Roscommon?


middleson said...

the danger is what makes it exciting! gored in the neck...ouch. although there were 4 gorings this year, it's the first death since '95, so its not THAT scary. :)

homebase said...

I shouldn't have watched the video, :( please no...

middleson said...

i'm not doing it alone tho! i need a couple of brothers to run with. strength in numbers. as homebase pointed out over the weekend, it doesn't matter how fast or quick you are if some chubby guy accidently trips you or falls in front of you. we'll need to watch out for each other!

Stoppable said...

I am still in -- I thought about it when I saw this story too. While nobody plans to trip and get gored in through the neck, I still think with a little planning we can have a memorable, survivable time.

Stoppable said...

a few other "Pamplona rules of engagement"

2. No Spanish Red until after run (think drunk driving on a motorcycle… with a moving spear chasing you)
3. Sneakers only – this is no time for fashion footwear blow-out
4. Keep your head up – keep an eye out for escape routes above street level

Stoppable said...

The total distance (wiki) is 840 meters or ½ mile over 4 minutes – so a brisk jog or comfortable run is required to stay ahead of the ‘average herd speed’. Personally I have no interest in merely outpacing the ‘average’ bull/steer. Instead I’ll judge my success by the bull actually leading the herd.

The town recently installed non-slip corners to prevent pile-ups. This sometimes results in improving the bulls cornering… not sure if that’s good for us though.

Caboose said...

ha! I would bring a sack of marbles, and if I thought the bulls were getting too close - I'd drop all the marbles behind me.

Then use my grappling hook to snag an ornated spanish roof line and swing away to safety.

homebase said...

Smart move on the marbles!!Just have to make sure each bull stepped on several just right to get that massive tonnage slipping.Maybe olive oil would work better. You three worry me sometimes.