Thursday, August 20, 2009

500 Days of Summer

Went to a movie a few days ago and REALLY liked it. I liked the acting, I liked the premise, I liked the artistic way it was shot....

500 Days of Summer is non-linear (think Pulp Fiction) and tells a story about a guy who believes in soul-mates and true love, but finds his in a girl who believes the exact opposite. I won't go into much detail to spare those who haven't seen it yet. I just love how REAL the movie feels. Its not trying to be a fairy tale, just real life. And sometimes real life is a bitch. But at the same time - real life is an ongoing, never-ending story that gives you as many opportunities and chances as you feel like taking advantage of. This movie really points out that neither girl or boy was right - EVERYBODY has an idea of how they see the world and their expectations for it, but at the end of the day, Life is going to take your expectations and show you that you're an idiot and it has NO plans on lining up with your worldview. There's no right vs. wrong - there's only different points of view, different people living different lives following different paths, and sometimes they align and sometimes they don't. The moral of the movie (as I read it) is this: Sometimes things work out. Sometimes they don't. Whatever the outcome, the rest of the world is still out there and unaffected by your loss or gain. Good things don't last forever, but neither to the bad things. Keep your worldview and ideals close, but don't ever forget that no matter what happens, there is still a wide world out there - open ended and undetermined - waiting for you to just SEE it.

I'll be doing at least one painting stemming from this movie. Stay tuned....


Stoppable said...

I read this post only far enough to realize I would have to see the movie first; then come back and read the post.

still looking forward to the artwork

homebase said...

great post, must have been some movie, hope i get the chance to see it. I love movies that motivate you to think and do!! Like ,--- Keep your chin up, it takes all kinds, and there is always hope. :) Sure makes your days more meaningful and joyful. Like the beginning of this quote: " Be joyful always..." I just stole that from your brother.

Nic said...

Well said. I, too, enjoyed that it was what love and relationships are like in the real world - sometimes there isn't always that 'happily ever after' ending.