Monday, December 6, 2010

30 days of truth (Day 11)

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Okay, guess I've got to make up for skipping the last one.

Ironically, the things I get the most compliments for tend to be the things that I also get the most grief for from different people. I guess that's me, though. Catalyzing. I get compliments on my hair a lot. I also have people asking me if I'm going for the 'mad scientist' look, or ask me, "so... when are you getting a haircut again?" Same story with the way I dress. Sometimes I get compliments, and sometimes people ask what the hell I'm wearing. I get grief for scarves a lot. Guess what people? They work really well. Plus, I think they're cool. I decided in college that scarves were totally worth the risk... in fact one co-worker that sits next to me on my team was in several of my PoliSci classes @ ISU, and he actually knew me as 'the scarf kid.' Its cool, I knew him as 'trench coat mafia.' Super cool (and crazy smart) guy. Anyways.

I used to get compliments on my wit, but I've lost a bit of that, honestly. You've got to have a foil to stay sharp with that.

I get compliments on my guitars and my Silvertone amp at shows quite a bit.

1 comment:

middleson said...

i like this one.

i think that is how it goes with things, if they are noticable enough to draw attn and get complimented, there is usually a group of the population that will notice it and not like it. but, hey, who cares about that group!
i think you've got a great handle on your 'personal brand'. good job.