Thursday, August 24, 2006

gonna cut pollution down to zero

After brainstorming some ideas in our new kitchen, Roscommon and I were laughing at my plan to spraypaint "EARTHKILLER" onto the backs of Hummers. Then the idea for the above picture came up. Roscommon made this prototype this morning. Here's the plan:
Take this picture and print it on sticker paper, then affix to the back of your neighborhood Hummer in the dark of night. Civil Disobidience... Thoreau would be pleased. If you can pay $120 a week to gas up a giant 4x4 SUV that weighs over a ton, you can spend the extra 5mins to peel off the 5 inch decal (or, more likely, pay someone else in your employ to do it for you).


middleson said...

you mean pay some illegal immigrant in your employ to do it.

so you can then take your hummer and go meet up with your minuteman friends and act like cowboys.

Lehrer said...

have you seen kicking and screaming? a movie w/ will f...there is a scene with him pulling up to a soccer practice in his eco friendly vehicle and a mom stealing his parking spot with her hummer...quite funny.

Stoppable said...

I didn't even know this blog was out here....

Well, i'll just wander around and make myself at home!