Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, etc.

Things I'm hooked on recently:
1. Lost
2. Imogen Heap (of Frou Frou)
3. Pickup Switch setting 5 (towards the neck)
4. Scrubs re-runs on Comedy Central.
5. The Office.
6. Half-Life 2

Things that piss me off recently:
1. Blogger and its inconsistency.
2. U/W's who think I'll do their work for them.
3. Losing an entire post that you really like.
4. Mislabeled iPod songs.
5. Teenagers who tYpE LiKe ThIs on overdone blogs w/ more lights, moving backgrounds, and sparkles than a 4th of july parade. K.I.S.S. (wikipedia it if you have to)


Anonymous said...

its K.I.S.S.U. (u = ugly)

les said...

I too have been listening to a lot of Imogen Heap and Frou Frou lately. Very good.

As for the K.I.S.S.U. thing, I have no idea what it is. However, if it has anything to do with overdone blogs or profiles, I'd rather not know.

Caboose said...

Keep it simple, stupid... ugly? I don't get it. Or are you just calling me ugly? this is nate isn't it.

Stoppable said...

i love lists... of all kinds -- agreed on the lost blogs... where's beta anyway? is there more reliablity there?

also, KISS is military slang from wayyyy back. welcome to the right!