Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fair and Balanced!

Can you believe I found this on FoxNews? The same network that was praising the Tea Party protesters with Obama/Hitler signs and Swastika emblems "Patriots"? This writer is probably looking for a new job today.

Not every person dissatisfied with Obama's policy is a racist, but there is a large segment of morons who don't have any idea what's going on with policy, but just think Obama is ruining, "their country." Quotes like, 'Muslims are taking over' are becoming more and more prevalent, and some conservatives are fanning those flames to look like they have support. Rather than educating their supporters on the actual facts that they SHOULD be mad about - some politicians and FoxNews are fanning the protesters like the TeaBaggers to provide some kind of facade of support for their agenda. What they're actually doing is stoking the fires of xenophobia and racism among Amercia's bottom feeders.

What sucks is that there's a serious debate to be had here, but its not happening because people think shouting, "you lie (boy)!" is legitimate dialog. Even if Joe Wilson isn't a racist, his kind of vitrol-soaked politics isn't helping. Its hurting.

1 comment:

homebase said...

really like the new header.