Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Shins...

are awesome. I know most of my readership is already aware. But I'm listening to them again this morning, and I'm always impressed at how simply they blend wordy, vague and sometimes non-sensical lyrics with such great melodies and layering. Great stuff.

Sleeping Lessons

Go without,
Till the need seeps in
You low animal,
Collect your novel petals for the stem.
And glow. Glow.
Melt and flow.
Eviscerate your fragile frame.
And spill it out on ragged floor.
A thousand different versions of yourself.
And if the old gods still offend,
They got nothing left on which you depend.
So enlist every ounce
Of your bright blood.
And off with their heads.

Jump from the hook.
You're not obliged to swallow anything you despise.
See, those unrepenting buzzards want your life,
And they got no right.As sure as you have eyes,
They got no right.


middleson said...

umm, what??

that's what i often find myself thinking after a shins song. but i always enjoy it.

red rabbits, rendering emulsions in crucibles?

Anonymous said...

"Caring is Creepy" still is, and always will be my favorite Shins song. It's on my list of favorite songs in general.

galfunseeker said...

Funny that you blog about this on Wednesday. I was traveling with a desk underwriter on Wednesday and we had a 3 hour drive... (This is perfect opportunity to make whomever is in my car to listen to my favorite tunes.) I picked "Wincing the Night Away" to share. I LOVE that album, start to finish. I absolutely love the build up in Sleeping Lessons. Turn On Me is my most special melody. This album is my next vinyl purchase. And to top it off my new desk underwriter.. well she sang along with me. No talking just blasted the stereo and sang our lil hearts out. It's going to be a good working relationship!