Monday, October 12, 2009

Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much...

I love Obama. And the Obama administration. Not just for their policy, but for not beating around the bush.

They haven't minced words about FOXnooze, refusing to give interviews and the like. Somebody finally came out this weekend and stated the obvious - something that even FOXnews viewers who call themselves 'independent' or 'impartial' don't seem to understand. That FOXnews is just a shill for the republican party.

The best part is how FOX came back with, "whaaaaat?!?!?" Please, FOX - don't. Don't even.

Their official response was that people are confusing their news coverage with their opinion pieces. To which I respond: Bullshit. FOXnews deliberately splices parts of their incendiary commentors (opinion) into parts of the news (fact?) coverage in an attempt to make the conservative opinions sound more grounded and commonplace than they really are. FOX's ticker (the text at the bottom of the screen) is enough to make me sick to my stomach sometimes. Only FOX can stir up a tea-party protest (organized by affliates of FOXnews) then organize a rally for their 'news' program where they call the protesters "patriots." These patriots just happen to be carrying signs showing Obama as Hitler, and others with signs morphing Obama into Iran's president and text saying, "Death to the Dictator." But that didn't make it on TV, of course.

Smart conservatives everywhere are using this attack to compare Obama's administration with Nixon's - complaining that ONE network doesn't like him. Oh wait - did you just OPENLY ADMIT THAT YOU DON'T LIKE HIM?!? THEN STOP PRETENDING THAT YOU'RE NOT BIASED. Nobody is saying you should close your doors, FOXnews - its just people saying, "you're not fooling us into thinking you're a non-biased news source so we're not going to treat you like one." Quit acting like you've just been wronged. You chose your format - now live with it.

1 comment:

Stoppable said...

interesting take at NYT

noting that both sides seem to believe the conflict is helping them. FOX has spiking popularity ratings -- are those conservatives jumping on the bandwagon, or liberals checking out the enemy?