Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been listening to the Silversun Pickups album "Carnavas" this morning. Its fantastic. Every track is good. Not a single skipped track, which doesn't happen much these days. If I were able to choose what kind of band to be in, it'd be something like that. (Not that I'm not happy with my current band.) Its got all of my favorite stuff: Ambient swirling backgrounds, huge fuzzy guitar tones, syncopated drums, and cool PSD cover art, ha.


Nic said...

LOVE those kind of albums when you don't have to skip a song...they are few and far between. I'll have to check this out

middleson said...

i never got into their last album. something about their voices or the sounds was just a bit too shrill for me. but i totally know what you mean when you get a album that you love, track after track.

SH said...

Love this album. Wish I could have watched their whole set at Hoyt Sherman last fall. Hopefully they will come back sooner than later.