Monday, July 19, 2010


Not much time to post today, but I did get a chance to go through Google News (of course).

In science nerd news: Protecting the world from massive (and semi-permanent) blackouts using what is effectively giant surge-protectors. How a relatively cheap and easy fix for a problem bound to happen is going unnoticed. Includes a warning about massive solar flares and a great explanation between the difference of volts vs. amps. I had to learn about that so as to not kill myself when I put my hands inside an amplifier.

In always-hilarious Sarah Palin news: In the spotlight this week for tweeting (yes, tweeting) her stance on a mosque that wants to build near Ground Zero in NYC. The best part is that even though her views in of themselves are fantastically xenophobic and anti-muslim, the focus has been on her made up word "refudiate." It's too good. She later tweeted another message trying to fix it using the word 'refute' - which IS technically a word, but still not the right word. After showing the world twice that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, she likened herself to Shakespeare in that they both coin new words. Sarah - Shakespeare's words include "lackluster" and "bloodstained" and "luggage" actual new words whose meaning seems intrinsic - you just got confused between 'repudiate' and 'refute.' Also - "wee wee'd up?" Who votes for you? You are a moron. It really is that simple. You didn't even know what the VP does while you were running for that very office! The fact that you think you would make a good President is laughable (another word coined by Shakespeare).

And in The Onion news (its fake, Nic. Just FYI): "Struggling High School Cuts Football—Nah, Just Kidding, Art It Is"


Les said...

If only the fake news really were fake. Personally I think I make a better Palin, just sayin'.

Nic said...

1. Ha, refudiate...much like Bush's strategery. I almost want Sarah Palin to run in the next election just for the entertainment factor and to see more Tina Fey as Sarah Palin skits (I said almost...the ridiculous things that come out of her mouth are already getting old)

2. Wait, what? The Onion is fake?! Unfortunately, this particular article isn't too far from the truth in today's world.

Stephen N. Greenleaf said...

Thanks for the tip on volts vs. amps. Never understood the difference before. In the mean time, this raises quite a fascinating question: how well do we as a society perceive risks, and how efficient a system is desirable? NNT in The Black Swan and since argues that our systems, such as our financial system, are too efficient, that they lack built-in redundancy. In the article, we learn that the electrical grid was quite unconnected in its earliest days, when a very large storm hit. Now, quite efficient, we become very vulnerable to a Black Swan event. This leads the next question, how well can our political system, or any political system, respond to such a low probability, high-impact risk? Not well, I fear. But perhaps we should ask Ms. Palin for her wisdom on this?