Friday, August 13, 2010

Babies of Terror!!

Have you guys been watching the news this past week or so? Its been a crazy week for news. I think the public is getting over-news'd lately. Anyways, that's not my point.

Did you hear about the "Terror Babies" fiasco? Its pretty dang hilarious. Telling, even. So the story goes that this congressman, who is a republican from (where else?) Texas, used allegations that terrorists are coming into the country pregnant, have the kid (a US Citizen) then leave and take the kid, raise him/her as a terrorist, and then send them back to do terrorist stuff. "Terror Babies." He used this as a reason to end the 14th amendment, essentially to stop mexican immigrants from getting their US-born babies citizenship. But that's a harder pill for the public to swallow than "terror babies." Now - I'm not too mad at the congressman in question here. Obviously this theory is effing stupid. Even if it WAS true - you can't just stop giving citizenship to children born in this country. That's like taking away the right to freedom of worship or freedom of speech and then trying to say, "but its still America, people!" What I AM mad about is the AMERICAN PUBLIC as a whole. When did we get so fucking gullible and stupid? I realize there is always going to be a minority of people who are.... less intelligent. That's fine. But that segment seems to be getting bigger every DAY. I just don't understand how people can be duped into thinking that, for example, Sarah Palin is even remotely qualified to be President, or be blind enough to not see right through as transparent a red-herring argument as "terror babies."

Anyways, I thought people might enjoy this clip for several reasons. Anderson Cooper is doing what MORE people in the news should: Rather than bringing on the controversial party and having some hollow dialogue to get them to repeat their views, he brings on the controversial party and point out that they are... well... ridiculous and that people would be even more dumb if they believed something like that.

I think the fact that 'news' organization (most if not all) do too much pandering to try and stay 'centrist' or 'unbiased.' EVERY viewpoint or editorial comes off as fact anymore. "Its on the news, so its gotta be true." There needs to be more call-outs like AC does here, just for the sake of people realizing that every word reported in the news DOESN'T HAVE TO BE TRUE.

I usually try and stay away from comments on news sites, but I thought I'd include one person's (pbmom) post because I agreed with the sentiment pretty strongly.

"I am really quite curious to see where our country goes in the next 2-10 years. These fear-mongers scare me to death. The lies they spew don't scare me, but the fact that some great percentage of our citizens believe this trash terrifies me.

Celebrities can sue trash-mags for telling lies about their personal lives. Can we sue these idiots for essentially yelling "fire" in a theater?

Seriously, the dialogue (if you can really call it that) has gotten out of control"

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