Monday, October 23, 2006

A Case of the Mondays...

"shit naw... I believe if somebody said that where I work, they'd be liable to get their ass kicked." - Office Space.

So on this manic monday, I thought I'd share some insights into my workplace. As a disclaimer, my job is pretty sweet as far as desk-jobs go, especially as Cube-jobs go. Granted I'm listening to my iPod for the majority of the day, so I really can't complain. I'm a 'Commercial Processor;' which means that I get applications for insurance from 'Underwriters' who've provided instructions on how to process said policy. I then take the instructions and application and 'procces' them. Basically, I take paper and spreadsheets and make them actual insurance policies on our system and paper copies in the insureds' hands. You could also call it Glorified data processing. Whatever. Anyways, here's a peak into my plot in the CubeFarm.

Here are a few lessons/tips (yes, from an interoffice email) for all of you others in the Coporate Army:
1. Always carry a document in your hands.
People with papers in the hands look like hardworking employees heading for important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they're heading for the cafeteria. People with newspapers in their hands look like their heading for the restroom.
2. Have a messy desk.
Top management can get away with clean desks, but the rest of us look like we're just not doing enough work. Build large piles of papers on your desk, to the observer, yesterday's work looks just like today's so its only the volume that counts. If someone is coming to get a document, first bury it in one of the piles so you have to rummage before giving it to them.
3. Have two jackets.
Leave one jacket on the back of your chair at all times, so even when you're away it will look like you're nearby and working. When in fact you're three blocks down at the mexican restaurant.

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