Wednesday, October 18, 2006

iTrip = iPieceOfShitNotWorth$5

So if you've spent any time around me in the car, you already know that I MUST listen to music. Also, you know that my tape deck recently crapped out, making my tape adapter to CD player or iPod obsolete. I had to resort to the iTrip.
What the iPod/Apple store DOESN'T want you to know is that any and all FM adapters are BULLSHIT. Federal regulations force the manufacturers to seriously limit the antenna and therefore the strength of its signal (something about not wanting to interfere with other cars' radios/pirating radio stations... whatever). Either way, if you've got an iTrip, you already know that if you're not duct-taping the thing to your car's antenna, its sounds like the music was recorded in a microwave. Even if you manage to get a decently clear signal, the quality (highs and lows) of the sounds are 8track at best. Not what I got an iPod for.
After several vows to smash my iTrip with a hammer after setting it aflame inside a pentagram and circle of candles, I did some research to see if there was anything I could do to ah.. 'Tim Taylor' it. Here's what I found.
Article 1-
>Good step by step, with links to pictures. For my model of iTrip.
Article 2-
>This is the best picture-based walkthrough I've seen yet. For Roscommon's iTrip.
Article 3-
>Not bad, essentially article 2 with better text walktrough. Maybe combine the two.
Article 4-
>This is the one I'm going to follow tomorrow. This is for the new LCD iTrip which I have.

What all these mods are having you do is using a razorblade to gently open the iTrip, locating the small copper internal antenna, and wrapping another copper wire around the antenna like a spring. Then, cutting a small notch in the the casing to let the newly tricked out antenna stretch out an inch or so. Suddenly, you've got a tiny pirate radio broadcast good for nearly triple the old distance and improved quality of sound. I'll post again after I attempt this mod.


middleson said...

yes!!!! i am so excited!!! i can't wait to watch your iTrip surgery project. I hope it works. And if it does, I will attempt the same with mine. i have not been nearly as disappointed with mine, although i would rate my satisfaction with it at about a 5 out of 10.

Caboose said...

There are way more examples of how to mod your version of iTrip than mine, and tons of success comments. These pictures should help you more than me. The 4th article is the one i'm using.