Thursday, October 5, 2006

Put it in a battery an save it for later...

So my cousin has a band. He's younger, played for two years less, and dammit, I'm jealous. Don't get me wrong, you rock Scheib, I'm just really jones-ing for a band right now. If you're reading this, (all 3-4 of you) and you can play bass, I want to know. Tom, you need to invest in a drum set. It'll get you out of the house. I'm even thinking about puting up a flyer or two in my workplace advertising the need of a drummer/bassist. If nothing else, I need (NEED) to starting writing again. Even crappy stuff, my creative drive is currently in neutral and rolling backwards. I think it'd help if I got a second job at Guitar Center. I'm going to look into that.
In other news, I've got a bunch of live music to look forward to this month. Stuart Davis' CD release in Ames this weekend, directly followed by Jerry Lorensen's solo gig at Sante Fe (les' favorite coffe shop). Then Kaki King that next tuesday, with two Towncrier shows the following week. Then, to top it all off, a very halloween Anathallo show at the M-shop on the 31st! I think my need for a band will only be getting worse this month. I need to do something about it.


les said...

I do love Sante Fe! Great atmosphere, very friendly staff, and delicious coffee! I'll be enjoying one for sure during Jerry's performance.

As for the posting of flyers, I think you should. Maybe you could even post them places like Mars Cafe or other places around DSM that have open mic night.

middleson said...

live shows are such a super fun thing to look forward to. i need to get into some more smaller bands that come through IA more often. With GTO disappering and Pomeroy in the Middle East and LBC on hiatus, I'm a little deprived.

Here's an idea to kill two birds with one stone (which, I just realized is a horribley morbid saying. i wouldn't want to kill a bird, let alone two!). caboose starts writing original stuff and polishing some covers and starts playing a few open mikes. that would provide him with a creative output and provide me with some live music to listen to.