After my recent iTrip canabalizing caper, I've suddenly been bitten by the 'what else can i do to tweek this thing up a notch or two' bug. These impulses have cuminated in the following project:
Its called 'Build Your Own Clone.' Its just a sack filled with transistors, amps, diodes, potentiameters, jacks, a/c plugs, LED lights, a footswitch, and a circut board. You get to dump it all on the table a solder together everything to populate the circut board, then wire all the pots, jacks, lights, and switches together. Finally, you get to finish/paint the box however you wish. I just ordered the Script Phase clone, which is the same parts as an MXR phase 90. (also, I will now have two phasers, each with different rates and depth. Mikey E. of Incubus uses this effect. See "When it Comes" or "Pardon Me" for an example)
If this project goes well, I'll proceed to my next project: the Screamer pedal (a clone of the classic Ibanez TS808 TubeScreamer) then possibly the Tremelo. Updates soon. For now, I've got to start practicing soldering.
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