Thursday, December 21, 2006

Book 7

The 7th and final Harry Potter book now officially has a name.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The publisher has not announced a release date yet, though many fans predict the book will be released on 7/7/07. If you're not familiar with the series, that may seem cheesy to you. If you AREN'T a muggle, then you understand the significance of the number 7. Also, this is a Saturday (all of the HP books have been released on saturdays by JKR's request so as not to interfere with school) and is the weekend before the release of Order of the Pheonix movie. JKR has said for sure that two main characters will die in the 7th and final book, and when questioned whether Harry would be one of the two, JKR would not say. With the deaths of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, and Albus Dumbledore, Harry's headmaster/protector/guide, still fresh in reader's minds, fans can only speculate on who will die. Some speculate that Harry, who's life was saved in his infancy by his mother's doomed attempt to protect her only child from the world's most evil and powerful wizard, must also lay down his own life at He Who Must Not Be Named's hand (or wand). Voldemort's weakness has always been his fear of death and his inability to understand love.

I don't know how things will turn out, but I do know that I will be pissed if Neville doesn't avenge his parents (who were tortured to permanent insanity by Death Eaters) by killing Bellatrix Lastrange.

Still think these are kid's books?


loiltes said...

Ooooh man! I'm stoked for the next book and movie! I have my suspicions on the two who will meet their death in the next book, but JKR is excellent at twisting the plot so I may be way off. I guess I will find out in 7 months!

Stoppable said...


I read too quickly and suddenly realized I was in spoiler country! Luckily I averted my eyes as I began to run through the names of the departed... phew!!

Kt is planning to leave muggledom over xmas break and I am contemplating '07.