Monday, February 16, 2009

Czar Power

Thank you, President Obama, for having the intelligence to reject the moronic trend in using 'czar' as a suffix for a point-man. I've mentioned it here before how much I cringe when people try and use this. First off, the saying doesn't make any damned sense. The Czars weren't exactly well liked. They pissed off their subordinates so much that they rose up and murdered them all in their homes then burnt said homes to the ground. Is this really your business model? No? Oh, you had no idea that's what happened to the Czars? Hmm. Which leads me to point #2: Why people ACTUALLY use it. They don't use the phrase because it applies to the situation - they use the phrase because it's hip. Or to be more accurate - because their LEADERSHIP think that it's hip. Then it trickles down so that some dumbass Manager leading an all-associate meeting gets to bust it out in front of his VP, only to get to a point in his presentation where it becomes evident that he/she can't actually spell the word Czar. Or my personal favorite - appointing a TEAM of people to a task and calling them 'expense czars.' Okay, place-where-i-work, you're hitting all new lows. If you're going to incorrectly use the title Czar, at least use it incorrectly RIGHT. Even if you don't know a damned thing about what a Czar was (which it is obvious that you do not), know this: The whole point of using the term 'Czar' is that ONE person has all the authority in a situation. Applying the name to a TEAM of people is like counting with letters. And about as intelligent.


Stoppable said...

"you're the Lone Rangers??"

"you can't pluralize the lone RANGER!"

Stoppable said...

{but you can verbify Plural}