Sunday, June 21, 2009

Evil Inc.

After an incident several years ago at an Abercrombie & Fitch in Omaha, NE - I haven't been IN or purchashed anything from A&F. That was nearly a decade ago. I have one t shirt received as a gift which I have sharpied out the word "Abercrombie." Its a bad place - superficial, materialistic, racist, and overly perfumed.

So - I'm biased. I hate the place. I don't like the clothes, but I also have a strong dislike for the people who would work and shop there. Which sounds mean, but everyone I know that has ever worked there doesn't like it either, and all 3 of them have a story of bigotry, rasism, or sodomy.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan. Nor am I a fan of Hollister. They're one in the same if you ask me. Not to mention, they stores have a very specific smell to them. It smells like a frat boy who put on wayyyy too much cologne. Sorry, Abercrombie, I'm not going to pay an excessive amount of money for your name to be printed in the corner of a poorly made polo shirt. Instead, I will continue wearing my target, fossil, and goodwill clothing with pride.

homebase said...

They have always been a trashy store, who used to have cool clothes, but got so trashy I couldn't abide the message they and their catalog represented. Boycotting is good, and it seems more people are getting the reason quite a few people hate the store. Hopefully it will be a store to go bankrupt in these hard times.

Nic said...

How sad it is that there are such shallow people running businesses in our world who have such discriminating attitudes. Example #1001 of why I refuse to step foot in that store!

Dustin said...

wow...i have never been a fan nor do i own any of their merchandise, same goes for hollister and such stores... but this is an all time low for even abercrombie and fitch. the sad thing is, it's their loyal customers that would have no problem making this young lady feel bad about herself in any given social situation. why wouldn't the company reflect its patrons?