Sunday, June 14, 2009

I guess I'm 'it."

Photo tag game. 4th picture folder in, 4th photo in.

When I was a junior in college at Iowa State - a neighbor of mine from the dorm days was playing a show at the tattoo shop I got my tat from. The band is called "Poison Control Center" and they've played at prior GDPs, the first 80/35, and I once saw Max Weinburg (E Street Band's drummer. ie: Bruce Springsteen's drummer) play with them. This is Devin, my neighbor friend, playing a solo. On his back. With his feet in the air. It seems rediculous, I know, but you have to see a PCC show to understand. Its a blast. A blasty blast.

1 comment:

Nic said...

Love it! Thanks for participating! And in response to your comment - I almost wrote something in there about you not being surprised that it would be a picture of Regan :)