Tuesday, April 7, 2009

dm Cityview

I picked up a copy of this week's Cityview for lunch since I don't currently have a book to read. It happened to be the week of April Fools Day, so I noticed that the first page's stories were even more ridiculous than usual. Then I realized that it was fake. They'd made up the stories as an April Fools Day joke. Okay, haha, funny idea. Next page - also fake. THE WHOLE DAMN 30 PAGE PAPER WAS FAKE NEWS. There already is a fake news source, Cityview; it's called The Onion and you'll never be as good at fake news as they are. I can understand the desire to pull an April Fools Day prank, but.... the whole paper? I found the whole thing to be humorous - only at Cityviews expense. I imagined myself writing in the Cityview format ABOUT that edition of Cityview:

...And even though the paper was obviously trying to be funny, the impact was lessened by the sheer volume of ridiculous stories - like a child not knowing when to quit. I wonder if our friends over at The Register took time off from their bar-crawling to pull an April Fools Day prank? Little did the folks over at Cityview know, they didn't need to pull any pranks to be funny - their publication is already a joke.


middleson said...

love it!
what would we do without cityview to laugh at?

Caboose said...

we'd have to snail mail our congressional representative about why the City of Des Moines paid $14 to Jimmy Johns for catering a police department fundraiser.