Monday, April 27, 2009

Plateaus and Pentatonics

My brother used the phrase "breaking out of your plateau" once when we were lifting during my freshman year of high school. I remember thinking about how fitting of a euphemism that was at the time. He was talking about the times that it feels like you just aren't making any gains in your lifting despite consistently working out. Not seeing improvement even though you're putting the time in. Then, one day, you notice that you've suddenly jumped up 2 notches. Its almost odd how you've forgotten how it feels to experience improvement and that rush comes back the same each time.

I'd been in a serious playing plateau lately, and feel like I just broke out of it in the past few days. I've been focusing on the positions/ boxes/ patterns/ scales/ shapes/ whatever you want to call them- that I don't use very often. This guy in particular is sweet, and I need to use him more. Minor Pentatonic Scale - Position "3" or "C" shape:


homebase said...

Just looking at that makes my head hurt.

Stoppable said...

I thought this thing was a math puzzle!