Monday, January 22, 2007

Tabs, Chords, n' riffs...

I found a pretty sweet tabs page, its just a guitar teacher's site with really well organized tabs to learn on. They are tabed out extremely simple for beginners or people who don't want to know each tiny riff, just be able to play and sing the song. This makes for a great starting point on learning a song (though I still am obsessive so I'll go out a find those tiny riffs and solos as well). Here are the few I'm gonna start with tonight.
Buffalo Springfield - For What its Worth
Coldplay - Fix You
Deathcab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark
The Fray - Cable Car
Flogging Molly - What's Left of the Flag
Postal Service - Such Great Heights
Paul Simon - Me & Julio
U2 - Desire

1 comment:

middleson said...

some nice picks on that list. can't wait to hear 'em at the next open mic. LOVE DC4C & postal service.