Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Since college, I've always complained of a lack of a decent practice space to play in. We had Brock's house's basement for the last year, and even though it was tiny, it could still house a massive drum set, two huge (and heavy) amps, and a few chairs. Good times down there. Since graduating, I haven't had the chance to play with drums/drummer, or really crank my guitars. Tom (my drummer friend) bought the sweet drum set we used, but since we all lived in apartments, couldn't ever play it. Now all that's changed.
Tom bought a house. With a basement. With room for a drum set, and amps, and guitars, and even extra space for more stuff. Which means I now have zero excuse for not at least attempting to write some music and a loosely formed band. July 1st, I'll need to invest in some earplugs.


Stoppable said...

which gives you time to get writing before the July debut.

unrelated note:

New energy drink:
custom design, medium kick for those times when you'd like to rest before sunrise. available only at QT:

2/3 roosterbooster LITE
1/3 squirt

the citrus soda cuts the saccharine sweetness of the diet energy syrup.

Stoppable said...

scratch the recipe. 1hr later and no zing.

Caboose said...

Ha! Keep me posted on energy drink ideas...

middleson said...

i know you're excited to jam again.

let's hope michelle is excited as well.