Thursday, May 31, 2007

HP5 Trailer

I saw this trailer before Spider-Man 3. Its much longer than the original trailer, and I feel that it portrays the feeling of the 5th installation of HP a little better. Notice that nearly every scene is dark, overcast, featuring black or dark blues... Much like the cover of the 5th book. These are dark times in the Wizarding world, and the environment seems to match. I also like that Harry seems to be finally becoming the hothead that he seems to be in the later books. Movies-Harry seemed a little too passive aggressive for my taste, but this movie seems to show his flippant/no time for childish games anymore attitude. And, most importantly, Snape gets a little more character breathed into his stiff shell from prior movies.
Snape: "You're not strong enough!"
Harry: "You're wrong!"
Snape: "Then PROVE it!"

1 comment:

Stoppable said...

i won't watch the trailer but the mini dialog you include points to "Friend" Snape pretty strongly..