Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Map Quest

Get used to seeing this map, especially after the last two presidential elections. In 2000, Al Gore won the 'popular vote' but lost the election to George W. Bush. Many people were confused on how more Americans could vote for Gore but have Bush win. That's because America isn't a true democracy, as many people believe. The United States of America is in fact a republic - or a representative democracy at best. Which means the majority does not always rule.
A lot of people cringe at the words 'electoral college'. But its something that every single person should understand if you plan on voting this year. How do you know if its important? Well, it decides who becomes president, not your popular vote. Karl Rove understands the importance of this, and has kept maps updated for this race. (see first link) And Rove has Obama winning as it stands now.

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