Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain = Charlie Brown

This is too funny. Nobody likes you Charlie Brown. And, apparently, nobody likes McCain, either...

The GOP used the song "Barracuda" by Heart to promote Sarah Palin before her speech, it has been used twice now. Heart called that same night with a cease-and-desist order. "Sarah Palin's views and values in NO WAY represent us as American women. We ask that our song 'Barracuda' no longer be used to promote her image..." Ouch. Heart-less. (athankyou)

But the reason this is blog worthy to me is because this is not the first time McCain's camp has tried to use a song and had the artist call them up and say, "Don't ever use my songs again." John Mellencamp told them to stop using his songs, Boston did too. Jackson Brown actually filed suit against them for their use of "Running on Empty" in an anti-Obama advertisement.

Also, I think its worth noting that the McSame camp has never contacted any of these artists for permission. First time, that would have been understandable. But then they know they have to ask permission. Only, they continue to not ask for permission. Is their government going to be run the same way?



middleson said...

You beat me to this story by an hour. :(

How hilarious that we blogged the same topic within 45 minutes of each other.

Your detail puts mine to shame, but you left out Van Halen. :)

Stoppable said...


hilarious, is that original? you ought to pitch it to Obama.

Caboose said...

No, I actually stole it from the liberal blog-o-sphere.

Anonymous said...

More people watched the republican thingy.. don't i sound professional..