Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh Snap!

Wow. I usually read about ads before I see them, but I saw BOTH these ads yesterday and was so pissed off by McCain's ad that I actually threw something. McCain is racist. Or at least, is playing on racism in this election. Read this blog for all the backstory and links to both ads. McCain's ad repeatedly showed a black businessman who was connected with Fannie Mae and fraud as advising Obama. (many shots of the 'bad black guy') Followed by a shot of a scared old white woman. Nice, McCain. Nice. Not subtle. You're a bad person making the world a worse place, John. Shame on you. Shame.
McCain's ad was called 'Advice' and not even 4 hours later, there was an Obama ad in response. The SAME DAY there was a response, called "Who advises." Obama's ad is one of his best yet. Starts out by showing the McSame ad as an outright lie (something we're used to by now). Then ends by some subtle touches of its own.


Here's a great breakdown of the 'issues' for each candidate, put together by the BBC, and is the most non-partisan breakdown I've seen. Great primer for the 2008 candidates.


homebase said...

Well, That line says it all for me, Obama wants to overturn the ban on late term abortion, I just can't handle that, that is killing and I can't see it any other way. I am not for abortion of any kind, don't think I need to debate it with others as others may not see it that way. If it wasn't for that issue I really could vote for Obama. I like the guy think he is a great hope for the next generation, and honest. McCain, old guard, not a great person, has been on both sides of the abortion question, can't vote for him either. So once again I probably will not vote. Very sad but there it is.
And as for you sonny boy.... You better reign in the emotion some, there are 2 more months and we may have to chain you in your room and keep you away from the TV and internet, you could be dangerous. Just remember. Obama has made a huge difference in this country already I feel.

Caboose said...

Hey I agree that abortion is killing, in any term of the pregnancy. I am definitely NOT pro-abortion. But the point is that I don't think that's a decision that the Federal Government has the right to make for anyone. We're not supposed to tell Palin how to raise her family, but they're going to tell you how to raise yours. That's the problem I have.