Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joe? D'Oh!

This was just too funny. I realize that gaffes happen, but this is more than just a gaffe. It's telling. Is this not the perfect microcosm of his slopped together campaign?

Roscommon and I made an observation today as the two presidential candidate were shown giving live speeches in near split screen format - Barack looks, speaks, and acts like a President. He has for months. He's a presidential personality. His campaign is a juggernaut of perfection, spreading his support like a pandemic of Hope. McCain, on his half of the screen, seemed very clunky and awkward stumbling to the podium, bumbling through a non-inspiring speech, literally mocking Barack's ideals and supporters with curt (and I thought extremely rude) laughs after each punchline. He doesn't seem presidential at all. He seems like a petulant old man who doesn't want to be where he is. Then he shows thousands of watchers and supporters why he isn't going to win on Tuesday - his campaign blows. It blows! They 'didn't realize Joe wasn't there until after McCain had gone on' and couldn't tell him in time. Turns out, the McCain campaign only invited Joe several days ago, and never called back to confirm. Nobody noticed? Even when they did, is there no one manning the teleprompter? Wouldn't it be better if a staffer stepped up and whispered to McCain rather than making their candidate look like he didn't know what was going on? I'm personally not surprised. McCain's campaign has been mismanaged from the start pissing away what could have been a VERY strong Republican candidate. Obama's campaign has put on a CLINIC that will be studied for years to come.
-McCain graduated 894th of 899 in his class at the Naval Academy, even though his father was a Navy Admiral.
-Obama was President of the Harvard Law Review and a professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago - the 8th ranked university in the world. What's the first ranked university in the world? Harvard, where he was President of the Harvard Law Review.

I voted today for Barack Obama.

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homebase said...

Nice clip, very funny. Come on MCCain campaign and give Joe a break, we all are tired of him. Election day will be exciting for sure.

Stoppable said...

of the many things that make me pause before supporting the Republicans this time around:

- ding-dong errors like you've cited here... wasn't GWBush enough here? or did his bumbling merely prove that it is completely irrelevant to the people?

- choosing a wild-card like Palin. I don't need proof of his maverick-ness if this is the quality of decision-making it produces.

- If McCain IS so different and HAS a new agenda, why is it slipping faster and faster into phase with the current administration?

- Given all the above is true (or at least in my mind, which with <24 hours to go before I cast my ballot, is really probably all that matters): Can I trust his recent flip-flip on abortion? (not pro-life, he still supports the death penalty)

In fairness, before you overstate the educational backgrounds:
1. George Bush went to #2 on the list
2. You're comparing McCain's UNDERgraduate work with Obama's Graduate work. Barak began at Occidental College; they admit ~ 45% of their applicants. The Naval academy selects ~11%, then loses >= 30% to attrition.

Caboose said...

Very true - BO has said he 'wasn't the best student' when he was at Columbia.

But- Wasn't George Bush was legacy at Yale? PLUS very very rich legacy...

Yeah, I just can't believe that the GOP didn't have a blowout with a popular moderate Rep. like McCain.