Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Sometimes the world is a sad place. This story, for example. Here's a synopsis:
"A homeless Vietnam veteran is recovering from injuries he sustained during a robbery last week.
64 year old Richard Denise was attacked while he was sleeping behind the Bank of America at 900 W Sample Road in Pompano Beach.
Denise was hit with a wooden board.
The homeless vet had his money and his wheekchair stolen.
BSO reports that Denise has been using the chair since he was wounded during the Vietnam war."

Dang. Stealing wheelchairs from homeless veterans? I'm no saint, but I'm pretty sure that somewhere, God is frowning on whoever did this. Luckily, not everyone in the world is evil. The article ends with some Hope.

"A good samaritan has donated another wheelchair to Richard Denise."

1 comment:

middleson said...

There are horriblely sad and depressing things happening in the world. I think there always has been since Cain and Abel and there probably always will be.
You are right on in pointing out that there was a act of kindness to counteract the evil. We've got to work on being a part of the latter.