Friday, October 3, 2008

Not Advised

A different kind of bailout.


homebase said...

Actually I had heard a little about this, I am surprised they haven't publisized it more. COmments are always cruel, but here is a good one,"Hey, let's make the bankers on Wall Street shoot themselves for the bailout."

middleson said...

a couple points on this one...

this woman took out another mortgage on her home when she was 86! That situation alone needs to be looked at and explained.

what was her payment record like on the first mortgage? and was she still a smart risk for the bank to lend to after the death of her husband? why wasn't she able to make the payments? why didn't the bank see that problem coming?

although i feel bad for the lady, i can't say i agree with the bank forgiving her the $60,000+ that she owes. it sets a literally unhealthy precedent.