Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Band Interest

So I'm into this new band (to me) from Austin, TX - Ghostland Observatory. A video is linked to their album art to the right over there -->

The video is exactly how I was introduced to the band. Instantly - its obvious that this band is, most of all, weird. They've got on... costumes? The one dude has a cape on; a serious cape at that. The other dude is a... what? a hippie? Then the second big theme is this: These guys are doing something different, but they're doing it as hard as they can. They are selling it. And you can't help but getting into it too. That's when the 3rd and final bullet point for this band hits you - ...Its freaking awesome. *Sigh* ...like, really awesome. Capeman (Thomas Turner) is playing several synths at once, with multiple loops going along with a digital drum kit. Live. The singer (Aaron Behrens) is not only singing, but dancing. And playing the guitar.

You've got to admit that its a fun club/punk/hair-band/electronica sound... you just don't get enough club/punk/hair-band/electronica these days.

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