Monday, February 8, 2010

Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride...

Finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas over the weekend. GREAT. I'll be reading more HST soon. I loved that the now-widespread term "Gonzo journalism" actually DOES have its roots in the Muppets. The Great Gonzo was (is) my favorite muppet, and Hunter is arguably the first to coin the term applying to his writing style - part fiction, part real-life, part exaggeration - a staggering, stumbling stream of consciousness narrative in the 1st person. Just when it seems that HST has completely lost it, a profound insight jumps off the page at you, written so artfully that you have to re-read the entire paragraph.

By the way, we all know what the middle aged Hunter S. Thompson looked like (balding, giant aviators, Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirt) but get this:

How much does young Hunter S. Thomspon look like Andy McMahon?

"Call on God, but row away from the rocks."

"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. "


Les said...

Ding dong, young HST surely would have made my awards list! Who knew the movie was a book .... hint: me.

Nic said...

Clever - the only positive spin you can put on HST, for me. Thanks for helping me to see him in a different light :)