Thursday, February 25, 2010


Se7en is one of the most fucked up movies I've ever seen. And one of my favorites. Not for the feint of heart - its pretty evil. Mom - don't click the link. Don't even read the rest of the post.

Se7en showcases the sickest things in the hearts of men. And how twisted some people can make the bible. How people can read it all too literally and miss the entire point of it. The movie has some of the most evil things I can think of in it. And the serial killer that somehow tries to justify it as "god's good work." The movie is extremely well acted and well written. It also has some fantastic one-liners.

The last line is great: "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."


jamfla said...

Agreed. Se7en is in my top 10 for sure.

Stoppable said...

it goes in the category of 'impactful but i'll never watch again' for me.

middleson said...

i never planned to watch it again either, but caboose was watching it so i ended up seeing it.
it IS good, and good acting, but i just have trouble enjoying a movie like that.