Monday, November 8, 2010

30 days of truth (Day 1)

Hmm, I wish this list would have started out on a positive note rather than this but....

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself:

I hate my Laissez-faire approach to relationships. There's no excuse to be made, even though my natural response is to try and explain it away rather than deal with it (something else I hate about myself). I'm working on it, I swear, but I still need a lot of work. I make like I'm extremely extroverted, but in reality I'm a homebody and a little introverted, so adding that to being depressed/not the biggest fan of myself for the past few years and it only adds fuel to the problem. Still - I'm an intelligent person and verbalizing the issue is the first step to recovery.

1 comment:

homebase said...

don't be too hard on yourself these 30 days--you are a smart, good person who is interested in a lot of things, and may need some work on issues like all the rest of us. Use it as a building up experience. I promise not to comment each day and tell you I think you're great. And if this is deleted I know who did it.