Tuesday, November 23, 2010

30 days of truth (Day 8)

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Hmm, I think I should re-work this list. Some of these are sorta all about bitching. And I really don't think I have an instance of someone who made my life hell... I either get lost or get even, but either way, I don't just let it happen. I'm sure that if I let other people make suggestions for this post that I could get a few submissions. But really - I feel that you only LET people make your life hell, and there's always ways to get out from under that. So its hard for me to place blame on other people. I suppose I could go into people who I hated working with at work, but I tend to move on ASAP if I get into those situations.

Sorry. Crap post. Whomp-wah.

1 comment:

homebase said...

Good post, nobody wants to get stuck on the negative. Doc Regan use to say,"If you don't like someone, just say hello and move on" Good advice.