Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 days of truth (Day 5)

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

Hmmm... there's a lot of things I'd like to eventually get done in my life. Maybe I'll just use this post to lay down a quick bucket list.

  1. Backpack around Europe for about 3 weeks. Amsterdam, Prague, Germany, Italy, Greece... however much I can fit in. Best case scenario would be going with about 4 other people. Won't be a cheap trip, but still.
  2. Get good at guitar. I know that most people give me attitude when I say that, but most people just don't get it. I'm not good at guitar. I'm an imitator, and I'm not very good at improvisational solo of any kind. I have no idea what I'm doing outside of chords. I know a few scales, but don't understand how to correctly apply them. I need to just break down and take a few lessons. I know what level I want to be at to be happy, and I'm not there yet.
  3. Find a good girl, get a dog, get married after a few years, have a kid or two a few years after that. All these stupid/ignorant people are breeding like rabbits, and I feel like I have a responsibility to mankind to procreate. Ha. I laughed as I typed that.
  4. Have the means to have a small guitar shop in a garage or something. Even if its just for me, I'd like to be able to build better and better custom guitars.
  5. Play at least one show (large or small) in LA, Seattle, New York, and Chicago.
  6. Grow a decent beard.
  7. Break 175lbs.
  8. Have a Vegas weekend. Not a classy one. A crazy Fear and Loathing-style binge of excess and debauchery. Might be harder to pull that off 40 years later, but I'll find a way.
  9. Sell a piece of my artwork for >$200. I feel like that's a good benchmark of "legitimate artist."
  10. Learn a martial arts form of some kind. Really, I'd even settle for Tai Chi.
whew. 10's enough for now. There's more places I'd like to visit, but then this list will get out of hand.


Nic said...

Wow, great list! 3 things:
1. Can I be one of the 4 people to backpack through Europe with you?
2. #3 made me laugh as I read, "All these stupid/ignorant people are breeding like rabbits, and I feel like I have a responsibility to mankind to procreate" And you sound so nonchalant, "you know, find a girl, get married, have a kid or two..."
3. I think everyone should go to Vegas at least once. I love the "anything goes" attitude that goes with Vegas. You'll have a blast. And if for no other reason, you gotta get to the Adidas store!!

middleson said...

Nice list! Should be fun to cross things off of!!