Monday, November 15, 2010

30 days of truth (Day 4)

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

This one is actually quite a bit harder - I don't really operate like this. I tend to blame myself rather than others in most situations. I guess I need to work on forgiving people their traffic transgressions, ha. I laugh, but its an honest statement. Not everything needs to become a 'teachable moment' on the road. Especially when I do stupid crap all the time.

I've mentioned that I relate to this guy before, but here's another comic from The Oatmeal that sums this up pretty well.


middleson said...

that oatmeal is great.
i LOVE the explanation of the 'wave'.
and I love the last bit.

nice job drawing in a fun media visual to support the essential point of your post. great teaching skills.

Les said...

i agree that comic is pretty fab